I love these lip balms I picked up in Boots on Thursday. I don’t think I would have bought them if it hadn’t been for the fact that they are now apparently the must-have in high school and Dot has been going on at me to get hold of them for a while.
That was easier said than done. Every tween and teen in the country, or at least in our corner of Essex, has shopped out the local Maybelline stands – I tried Asda, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Super Drug and even Boots in Chelmsford, but nothing. Then, travelling through Liverpool Street Station this week I had a brainwave, surely the cosmopolitan big city would hold lots and lots of the sought-after lip stick?
Yes, there were loads of them – and they were buy two get one free, so I bought a Pink Punch and Cherry Me for Dot and chose a Pink Punch for me as my freebie.
It looks fab on Dot, but I wasn’t sure how it would look on me as the colour in the tube is rather vivid. However, it’s fine. It is smooth, non-sticky and feels very moisturising. The colour comes through as more of a subtle sheen than a scary pop and it lasts a fair while (unless you’re a 12-year-old and you eat it off as soon as you apply it that is). The fragrance is not too sickly sweet, but it is obviously one of the reasons Baby Lips appeals to kids.
I am told there are other colours available and one very eager tween is searching the internet for them and adding them to her (already substantial) Christmas list.