The hunt was out in our area today so of course John had to stay in otherwise he might well have joined them when they went past. A couple of the others who knew what it was all about, having hunted before, got a little excited (the hunt was meeting just down the road) but in fact I don’t think John, happily tucking in to hay and carrots in his stable, realised anything was up, which seems to suggest he has not.
I wish I knew more about his past. According to his owner before me, he was an eventer in his younger days – and the state of his legs would seem to back that up – but she got him from a dealer and didn’t know anymore than that. He does have a freeze mark but again, according to his last owner, she tried to trace it and discovered the company responsible had gone out of business.
Is there any way to trace a horse’s history without putting a pleading ad in the back of horse magazines?